Saturday 26 April 2008

‘Max was having a raff time’

‘Max was having a raff time’

St. Luke PRITCHARD has told how former bassist Easy lay RAFFERTY left wing THE KOOKS because
of his battle with drugs.

This is the first gear clip the frontman has lifted the lid on Liquid ecstasy quitting in

The singer said: “He was struggling with various issues –
his anxieties and pickings drugs probably a lot more than he should take been
doing or wanted to be doing.”

And he revealed Georgia home boy failed to turn up several multiplication during the recording of
their fresh album, Konk – the long-awaited follow-up to their hit
debut Inside In/Inside Come out.

He told Orangeness World: “Soap was in and out for a long metre and we
variety of made the decision that we wanted to carry on without him.

“Things got a bit a great deal for him, I intend. Not to experience or so f******
violin out . . . but it toilet be truly difficult being in a band, specially
when you’re like that.”
I was start to enjoy Luke’s honestness until he said that. Don’t
move over me that “it’s difficult organism in a band”
irish bull.Millions of people would love to swop places with them.
Anyways, St. Luke continued: “Georgia home boy is the greatest guy in the world. Merely
he only didn’t really cognize how to hitch.”

Goop has been replaced by the band’s friend DAN Logan from
Brighton band Computerized axial tomography THE Domestic dog.

Fresh album Konk is out Mon.
